Source code for zokyo.augmentation.utils

# Contributors : [, ]
import numpy as np
import os
import cv2

[docs]def apply_augmentation(image, mask, label, function): """ Function to apply augmentation operation to a certain labels only """ image = np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8) mask = np.array(mask, dtype=np.uint8) augmented_segment = function(image) if len(np.squeeze(mask).shape) == 2: image[mask == label] = augmented_segment[mask == label] else: image[mask[:, :, label] == 1, :] = augmented_segment[mask[:, :, label] == 1, :] return image
[docs]def change_pascal_annotation(annotation, image_dir, filename): """ Function add path infos to pascal annotation """ root = annotation.getroot() for child in root: if child.tag == "folder": child.text = image_dir if child.tag == "filename": child.text = filename if child.tag == "path": child.text = os.path.join(image_dir, filename) return annotation
[docs]def get_annotation_dictionary(annotation): """ Method to parse XML annotation and return a dict with class names as keys and their corresponding bounding boxes as values. """ root = annotation.getroot() class_bnd_box = {} class_bnd_box["classes"] = {} class_bnd_box["size"] = {} for child in root: if child.tag == "size": for size in child: class_bnd_box["size"][size.tag] = int(size.text) if child.tag == "object": current_tag = "" for elem in child: bnd_dict = {} if elem.tag == "name": if elem.text not in class_bnd_box["classes"].keys(): class_bnd_box["classes"][elem.text] = [] current_tag = elem.text if elem.tag == "bndbox": for coord in elem: bnd_dict[coord.tag] = int(coord.text) class_bnd_box["classes"][current_tag].append(bnd_dict) return class_bnd_box
[docs]def generate_mask_for_annotation_for_xml(annotation, num_classes, label_id): """ Method to generate class-wise binary mask from the bounding boxes of each class (including BG) """ current_image_class_data_dict = get_annotation_dictionary(annotation) annotation_mask = np.zeros( (current_image_class_data_dict["size"]["height"], current_image_class_data_dict["size"]["width"], num_classes), dtype=np.uint8) ann_bg = np.ones( (current_image_class_data_dict["size"]["height"], current_image_class_data_dict["size"]["width"]), dtype=np.uint8) for cat in current_image_class_data_dict["classes"].keys(): ann_cl = np.zeros( (current_image_class_data_dict["size"]["height"], current_image_class_data_dict["size"]["width"]), dtype=np.uint8) for bnd in current_image_class_data_dict["classes"][cat]: if cat != "background": ann_cl = cv2.rectangle( ann_cl, (bnd["xmin"], bnd["ymin"]), (bnd["xmax"], bnd["ymax"]), 1, -1) ann_bg = cv2.rectangle( ann_bg, (bnd["xmin"], bnd["ymin"]), (bnd["xmax"], bnd["ymax"]), 0, -1) annotation_mask[:, :, label_id] = ann_cl annotation_mask[:, :, 0] = ann_bg return annotation_mask