Zokyo Augmentation Operations

The following are the operations that are currently supported inside Zokyo. Any extra operations needed can be raised a feature request or can be added as a separate module in “operation_module” in config.json.

  1. EqualizeScene: Operation to equalize an image or specific annotation classes in that image.

  2. DarkenScene: Operation to darken an image or specific annotation classes in that image. Requires a darkness parameter [0, 1] in config.

  3. BrightenScene: Operation to brighten an image or specific annotation classes in that image. Requires a brightness parameter [0, 1] in config.

  4. RandomBrightness: Operation to randomly brighten an image or specific annotation classes in that image based on a random distribution. Requires a distribution parameter (normal or uniform) in config.

  5. RandomDarkness: Operation to randomly darken an image or specific annotation classes in that image based on a random distribution. Requires a distribution parameter (normal or uniform) in config.

  6. SnowScene: Operation to add snow effect to an image or specific annotation classes in that image.

  7. RadialLensDistortion: Operation to add radial distortion effect to an image or specific annotation classes in that image. Requires a distortion parameter (NegativeBarrel, PinCushion).

  8. TangentialLensDistortion: Operation to add tangential distortion effect to an image or specific annotation classes in that image.

  9. RainScene: Operation to add rain effect to an image or specific annotation classes in that image. Requires -

    • rain_type (drizzle, heavy, torrential)

    • drop_width [1, 5]

    • drop_length [0, 100]

    • brightness_coefficient [0, 1]

    • slant_lower, slant_upper (-20 <= slant_lower <= slant_upper <= 20)

    • drop_color (list of 3 pixel values)

  10. SunFlare: Operation to add sun flare effect to an image.

  11. MotionBlur: TODO

  12. FogScene: TODO